TEKNOSAB is getting applications

Mr. İbrahim Burkay, the president of BTSO said that TEKNOSAB started gettingapplic ations to strengthen economic objectives of Turkey since February 2, 2018 Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry held the frst meeting of the year at its service building. While some information on activities carried out within the scope of International Competitiveness Development Project and Global Fair Agency Project was presented, the members of the assembly made evaluations about organizations and projects carried out by Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Mr. İbrahim Burkay, the president of the board said that they have carried out almost 40 macro-projects towards economic transition of Bursa since 2013 Stating that BTSO has increased business people’s contribution to city and country’s economy, Mr. Burkay said that BTSO would become a model institution through its projects. Mr. İbrahim Burkay said “BTSO is like a specialized centre thanks to its projects carried out as role models for Turkey. After transition process that was initiated by the vision of “Common Mind” and has been performed since 2013, BTSO has developed an identity coming to the fore with its projects. Our macro projects taken its shape in accordance with the demands of business world have shaped the future of institutional and urban economy. I would like to thank to all of our members who get involve in the projects carried out to make the future better.
TEKNOSAB is now getting applications.
Mr. İbrahim Burkay also gave some information about Technology Organized Industrial Zone (TEKNOSAB) that is a project to pass into history. Stating that project has rapidly been put into practice and it is planned that the frst factory buildings would be ready by the end of the year, Mr. Burkay made phases of application process clear for investors at enterprising committee’s discretion and within the scope of establishment protocol. Mr. İbrahim Burkay said “We initiated the application process to fnd out investors demands in 13 diferent groups listed in accordance with their intensity level described with the NACE codes specifed by EUROSTAT. Applications were accepted between the dates of February 2 - 20, 2018 at head office of TEKNOSAB. I would like to consider all of our investors as a part of TEKNOSAB Project that would take the lead of high-tech production and value-added export.
A Jump-Start to 2018 Stating that Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry made a fying start for 2018 thanks to its macro-projects, Mr. İbrahim Burkay said that there were almost 2.5 applications to OIZ for SMEs and 12 million m2 area has been fgured out as total reuuired space. Stating that OIZ for SMEs is a project carried out through the eyes of common mind in Bursa, Mr. Burkay said “OIZ for SMEs Project is waited excitedly for small
and medium enterprises and the process is making progress as planned under the guidance of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology.”
Mr. İbrahim Burkay, president of the board, said not only its border, but also location it holds are preserved by Turkey throughout the history so as to bring peace and tranuuility and Turkey also pulls its weight on being a major country.