TEKNOSAB Increases The Level Of Advanced Technology

Mrs. Andrews, Commercial Ataché USA:
“TEKNOSAB Increases The Level Of Advance Technology”
Mrs. Maria J. Andrews, Commercial Ataché of USA Consulate General in Istanbul said that Bursa
increases its level of high technology and value added producton in every passing day.
Mrs. Andrews, Commercial Ataché of USA, visited Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry
(BTSO). Mr. Cüneyt Şener, Vice President of BTSO, welcomed Mrs. Andrews and gave informatons
about economy of Bursa and projects of BTSO. Statng that there are 322 companies in Bursa that
export their goods to USA, Mr. Şener expressed that there are also 21 American-invested companies
in Bursa. Mr. Şener stated that trade volume is 850 Million dollars in total between Bursa and USA
and said “USA is one of the most important economic partners of Turkey. The trade carried out
between both two countries has been improving every passing day. As of BTSO, we strengthen
business connecton of Bursa companies by bringing them together with USA business world
representatves thanks to Global Faair Agency, Commercial Safari Project and Ur-Ge.
Mr. Cüneyt Şener gave informatons to Mrs. Andrews about Technology Industrial Zone (TEKNOSAB)
that would add value on advanced technology of Turkey. Statng that establishment process of
TEKNOSAB was completed in a short period, just a year, Mr. Şener said “Bursa, in which the frst
Organized Industrial Zone of Turkey was built, is becoming one of the leader cites of high-tech
producton thanks to TEKNOSAB and projects that lead up value added producton.”
Mrs. Maria J. Andrews, Commercial Ataché of USA Consulate General said that they know the power
and potental of Bursa for Turkish economy. Statng that she started working in Turkey a year ago,
Mrs. Andrews told that she would pay atenton to relatons between chambers and commodity
exchanges. Expressing that Bursa is an interestng city with its industrial substructure and producton
scope, Mrs. Andrews said “I saw Bursa as a city that took the lead in every feld in Turkey by myself. I
think that Bursa will come to a beter positon on high-tech producton. Especially, TEKNOSAB
impressed me. We are ready to give every support for this region.”