TEKNOSAB Is A Promotive Project

Mr. Mehmet Şimşek, Deputy Prime Minister; participated in “the 45th Common Mind and Consultation Meeting” organized by Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO). Mr. Şimşek, Deputy Prime Minister, who listened to the projects carried out by BTSO said: "The TEKNOSAB project is an exciting and encouraging project for everyone at this time in which the 4th industrial revolution is spoken."
Giving a speech during the meeting conducted at the service building of BTSO, Mr. Mehmet Simsek said that from global competition to R&D and innovation, from lifelong education to high technology, we keep very serious on our agenda fort he activities of private sector and government. I listened carefully and gave information about the projects carried out by BTSO. All the concepts we lay emphasis on concrete steps in Bursa. Especially the President of the Board and dear participators, I would like to congratulate you all for your vision and strong perspective. Expressing that he is in important positions in the governmental stages and his duty in the private sector for years, Mr. Şimşek said “Bursa is on the right road and we are always together with the city.”
Pointing out that the 4th Industrial Revolution on the world is progressing very rapidly, Mr. Şimşek noted that the destructive effects of the new industrial revolution would begin to be seen within 10. Deputy Prime Minister Şimşek gave information about the period in which machines started getting wise to each other quickly. We should prepare this process by creating an ecosystem based on R&D studies and innovation. Despite the difficult period encountered by Turkey, we have continued to provide substantial support to R&D studies and innovation. It is an incredible and promotive step that Bursa put the vision project into practice like TEKNOSAB during this process. Bursa is in a different place. As a member of the government, I cheer up in each of my visits to Bursa. Within the scope of this program, information about projects carried out by BTSO has increased our motivation.”
Mr. Mehmet Şimşek, who advises to make more use of state support provided for the business world and to increase investments in R&D studies and innovation, said “you must find a way to open up to international markets. Export is a very important thing on international markets. On the other hand, it is also very important for our companies to increase their employment and to qualify employees.”. Deputy Prime Minister Şimşek, who answered the questions of business people participating in the consultation meeting and listened to their suggestions, said “I believe the meeting would be very useful. I learned some new information about Bursa. I thank you very much.”
Expressing that Turkey would move forward to break through in the economic field again in 2017, Mr. İbrahim Burkay, President of the Board, said: "The supports provided by the government to the business world have strategic value at the point of increasing investment, production, employment, and exports. We also promised 80,000 additional employment as business world of Bursa for the mobilization of employment commenced by the President of the Republic of Turkey. Within this scope, we would try to prepare to be first chamber providing support to its members in employment mobilization conducted by a first time in Turkey. We are going to bring employment loan support which is the ceiling of TL 1.5 million into our members by taking advantages of the protocol to be signed next week between our chamber, Credit Guarantee Fund and our banks. We are going to take sides with our members that provide additional employment. Hereby, we are offering a fund of 1 billion liras for the use of Bursa business world.”.
President Ibrahim Burkay who met Mr. Şimşek and gave him information about the demands and suggestions of Bursa business world, said “we know that you have been carrying out important studies about the mass funding system that will bring almost every citizen to the position of an investor to a certain point for expanding and strengthening entrepreneurship. We believe that to implement this practice which has become increasingly widespread in the world through the Undersecretariat of Treasurythis, will be very useful and innovative. Under the guidance of you, we are definitely waiting for a study from Central Bank to make shopping in local currencies especially in Russia and countries where our foreign trade volume is high, especially in strategic sectors. Trade by using local currency will make a big contribution to our economy while it increases the power of our exporters on global markets. President Burkay presented the report containing the demands and proposals of the Bursa business world to Mr. Mehmet Simsek who is the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economy.
Representatives of the business world participated in the meeting with the participation of Mr. İzzettin Küçük, Governor of Bursa, Mr. Recep Altepe, Bursa Metropolitan Mayor, Dr. Yusuf Ulcay, Uludag University Rector, BTSO Board of Directors, Assembly and Committee members. The certificate of 16 planter seedlings planted in his name was presented to Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek by President İbrahim Burkay.