The place TEKNOSAB to be built Is the Best Choice To Manufacture Domestic Cars

Stating that manufacturing of domestic automotives is a historical threshold for Turkey, Mr. İbrahim Burkay, President of BTSO said: “High Technology Organized Industrial Zone, the place TEKNOSAB to be built is the best choice to manufacture domestic automotive. As of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we will continue working on manufacturing of domestic automotive in our country and choosing to manufacture it in Bursa.”
Mr. Burkay, President of BTSO, who talked in the monthly meeting of the Assembly organized at Service Building of BTSO, said that there are beautiful progress shown in economic indicators and anticipation thanks to removing suspense after referendum. President Burkay said “Production Reform Package” that was prepared according to demands of business world and presented to TBMM agenda, would empower industries in Bursa and Turkey. Stating that export volume of Turkey increased by 6.7% and export rate of Bursa was remained at 13.5% in first 4 months of year, Mr. İbrahim Burkay said “As of private sector we have shown what we could achieve by relying on each others and pawing the way for us even this difficult period.
“We Desire To Manufacture Domestic Automotive”
President İbrahim Burkay made evaluations on “production of domestic automotive” towards demands of Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Republic of Turkey, from business world in the 73th General Meeting of TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey). Stating that they consider that the manufacturing of domestic automotive is historical threshold for Turkey, Mr. İbrahim Burkay said “Our power on automotive industry that is one of the locomotive sectors of our country, is highly symbol of strategical sectors especially aerospace and defence. Bursa is the most important applicant to manufacture national automotive of Turkey by adapting advanced manufacturing structure and sub-industries with high-tech opportunities. TEKNOSAB which is a symbol of 4th industrial revolution in Bursa where an Automotive Testing Centre will be built, is most feasible place to put the project of our national automotive into practice. As of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we will continue working on manufacturing of national automotive in our country and being selected the city where it will be manufactured.
Payitaht Bazaar Shopping Days Started
President Mr. Burkay emphasized that the program of “Payitaht Bazaar Shopping Days” that would be organized for the second time, was started on June 2, and would be open until August 31, 2017. Stating that they have also supported the development of tradespeople via institutive development program that was started at Historical Bazaar and old shopping centres called “han” by BTSO, President İbrahim Burkay said “Our objective would gain 30 million Turkish Liras turnover to the area in which participation is higher then last year.
“We Led About Conciliation”
Stating that BTSO has continued taking the leadership with its projects, President İbrahim Burkay said that conciliation of conflicts between employee and employer became obligatory according to new labor law draft that was presented to TBMM by Ministry of Justice. Saying that this judgement would increase activity of Arbitration and Conciliation Centre that was established between chambers and commodity exchanges by BTSO for the first time, Mr. İbrahim Burkay thanked to Bekir Bozdağ, Minister of Justice and officers of the ministry thanks to developing consensus culture, avoiding to victimizations and regulation for give possibility to social gain.